Herma’s Christmas Message

Dear Customers,

This year I embrace the beauty of the season while also keeping in mind and holding out hope for all those that are suffering in the world. It is at this time of year more than at any other that we can think on faith and hope, especially when so much that is wrong with the world is out of our control. Even within our own homes there are problems that occur that take us by surprise, leaving us with challenges to face. Unforeseen challenges like the fall I took not long ago that left me with a concussion. It was a setback; however, I am thankful it wasn’t worse. There are other setbacks that many families are experiencing right now that have put a strain on their pocketbooks – a difficult time that has left many with so many challenges. It is during these difficult times that we must have faith that all will be o.k.

The beauty of Christmas lights glowing in the night reminds me of a saying. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. It takes a special kind of courage to see light when everything around us in the news and perhaps even sometimes in our own personal lives can seem so bleak. During this season of hope and love, let us embrace traditions of the season knowing that we will take small steps to change what we can and hold on to hope for peace in situations that are out of our control.

This reminds me of advice that was given to me by my friend and colleague, Monique. She said that to have peace of mind she listens to Paul McCartney’s song, Let It Be and thought it might bring peace to me also. This song serves as a reminder to have faith and not be disheartened during dark times. This song has meant a lot to me since Monique brought it up and, on many occasions, I have thought of the song and said to myself, “let it be, let it be, there will be an answer, let it be”. With all that being said, know that I am grateful for all that is beautiful in the world, because truly, it is a wonderful world. 

I have been blessed with many beautiful people in my life who all have shared their unique and special talents with me. It is at this time that I would like to say thank you to those that have worked so hard to help in so many ways. Special thanks to Margaret, Taco, Janis, Gordon, Janet, Monique, Denise, Murray, Geri, Ford, Coralee, Chrissy and Meredith. Without you, we would not be able to exist. Your time, energy, encouragement and fortitude have all been a great help and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

As we look forward to Christmas and the New Year it is my great privilege to think on old and new friends alike, dear customers like yourselves who have brought good cheer, kindness and support to me and those with whom I work. It has also brought me great joy to see the look of delight on young children’s faces this holiday season when I give them a little gift. It is especially their excitement that makes me take delight in the season as their innocent smiles and giggles are what is so precious in life. And when Christmas Day finally arrives and Boxing Day afterwards, I look forward to having dinner with my family and also to sharing quiet moments of reflection with my husband, Harry, as we sit in our comfy chairs reminiscing about the year that is past and look forward to the new year ahead.

​​​​​​Thank you for being a part of my life again this year. I wish for you peace and health this Christmas and into the New Year. 

Love to all!

Herma (and Harry)

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me. Shine until tomorrow. Let it be. – Paul McCartney of the Beatles