Emile Henry Bread Bakers – Baking Beautiful Bread
Your bread baker works just like a baker’s oven. The lids trap moisture that evaporates from the bread dough. The moisture turns to steam, which keeps the dough moist during baking. By the end of the baking process, the excess moisture has entirely evaporated, drying out the loaf just enough to get a light, airy bread with a crispy, golden crust.
Baguette Baker

Crafted from Emile Henry’s innovative refractory ceramic, the Emile Henry baguette pan assures delicious results and a beautiful presentation. This pan can also be used for other types of hand shaped bread recipes like Italian, Cuban and Multigrain bread.
Discover the pleasure of baking your own baguettes, crusty and full of flavour ! Easy to use, you just place the dough in the holes, cover with the lid and put the mold in the oven. Thanks to the ribs, the dough will not stick, and the lid creates the right level of humidity for baking delicious baguettes. The holes in the lid allow the carbon dioxide to escape during cooking, creating a thin, crispy crust so special to French baguettes. The mold can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Recipe book included. All Emile Henry products are made in France and offer a ten years guarantee.
Large Loaf Baker

With your Large Bread Loaf Baker you can make all types of homemade bread consisting of a crusty outside and a soft center. Consider a Traditional Loaf, a Grainy Loaf, Gluten-Free Loaf or a Rye Bread Loaf – the possibilities are endless.
Part of the joy of baking your own country bread, which makes such delicious buttery slices, is taking your time… Letting the dough rise twice, then placing it in the dish for perfect baking, slowly and gently.
Our Country Bread Baker will delight everyone who loves generous, crusty loaves with a dense and finely textured crumb that evoke the country. This bread baker allows the dough to assume its rectangular shape after slowly developing its aromas as it rises, interrupted only by delicate kneading.
Thanks to its refractory ceramic, and to its lid, this bread baker diffuses heat evenly all around the dough and ensures just the right level of humidity during baking. Its deep bottom lets you bake traditional breads or gluten-free breads whose dough is wetter. Recreating conditions similar to those of a traditional baker’s oven, the Country Bread Baker helps you successfully make all your own breads: traditional, with seeds, with dried fruits, and more.
Our tip: for a delicious golden crust, remove the lid during the last five minutes of baking.
Artisan Bread Loaf Baker
Holds a recipe with up to 5 cups flour. Yields a 2.5-3 lb. loaf.
Emile Henry Artisan Bread Baker allows you to bake all kinds of generous sized home-made bread––just like those hand-crafted by artisan! Simply use white flour to bake a classic sourdough bread or mix flour types (spelt, rye, chestnut…) to bake rustic, authentic loaves, explore different textures and flavors.
Made from Emile Henry innovative ceramic, the Artisan Bread Baker helps create baking conditions identical to a traditional bread oven. It ensures your bread has the required level of humidity while baking to get a perfect, golden, crispy crust with a light and airy inside.
The crisscrossed lines in the base prevent the dough from sticking, and the openings on both ends of the lid make it easy to manipulate. Lastly, upside down, the lid fits inside the base for compact storage. The bright glaze is resistant, non-porous, durable and easy to clean.
Emile Henry, the homemade bread specialist
The secret to making crispy bread is how it is baked: at high humidity levels, carefully adjusted according to the volume of dough being baked. Emile Henry bread bakers recreate the conditions found in a traditional bread oven, at just the right level of humidity. They ensure your homemade bread comes out baked to perfection, light and airy inside, with a golden, crispy crust.
When it comes to baking bread, nothing beats ceramic. The unique material used in our bread bakers has the same refractory properties as that used in traditional bread ovens. The ceramic allows humidity levels to be adjusted during baking, which is a requirement if the bread is to come out crispy, yet light and airy on the inside. The glazed exterior makes our bakers easy to keep clean.
You don’t have to be an expert
Emile Henry bread bakers are accessible to everyone. They come with recipe ideas and tips! 3 basic steps to make your homemade bread a success every time:
1. Prepare your dough either by hand, in a mixer, food processor or bread maker, following the recipes in this booklet or using your own recipes or a bread mix.
2. Let your dough rise at room temperature, away from drafts, for the times indicated. Before the last rise, place the dough in the baker, shaped the way you want it.
3. To bake, place the baker in the oven with its lid on, at the temperature indicated in the recipe. Bake for the time indicated in the recipe. You can remove the lid a few minutes before the end of the baking process to finish browning your bread.
This information has been supplied to us by the artisan bread experts of Emile Henry.

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