Herma’s News – The Perfect Place to Shop and Christmas Blues in the Cheese Shop
Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart, filled it too, with a melody that will last forever. – Song of Years
Dear Customers,
A visit to Herma’s is never more special than at this time of year when the magic of Christmas is so pleasing and beautiful. Brimming over with gifts for loved ones, stocking stuffers and hostess gifts – holiday shopping has never been better.
It is also the perfect place to visit for host and hostesses as they prepare to entertain guests. No need to travel any further than Herma’s to find special foods, cheeses and charcuterie that will satisfy the most sophisticated tastes.
Herma’s – The Perfect Place to Shop

Christmas Gifts

At Herma’s find an abundance of beautiful fragrances for both men and women along with luxurious body care products. Also find home fragrances from Lampe Berger, stylish purses, jewelry to fit every taste, not to mention exquisite olive oils and balsamic vinegars.
We provide elegant, luxury gift wrap – so beautiful the person receiving the gift might refuse to open. We take great pride in our gift wrap and look forward to providing this service to you for a reasonable fee.
Our complimentary signature black bags with tissue paper and ribbon are also available upon request.
Gift Baskets

Gift baskets at Herma’s can be a breath-taking affair. We love providing stunning gift baskets that will certainly let your friend, neighbor, colleague, client or employee know just how much you appreciate them. Call 905-885-9250 or stop by to order.
Wrapped Gift Certificates

At Herma’s, gift giving can actually be very simple, especially when you combine the receiver’s ability to choose what they would like with the beautiful presentation of an artfully wrapped gift. Find wrapped gift certificates, at no additional charge, near the front desk in $25, $50 and $100 increments.
Chocolates and Panettone

You’ll love our chocolates from around the world that are packaged in stylish, colorful boxes. What’s even more beautiful are our special hand-wrapped panettone from Italy.
In olden days special care was given to the handcrafted packaging of special gifts involving food. We are so pleased to see the preservation of this tradition continuing, and with so much elegance and glamour too.
Makes the perfect hostess gift!
Holiday Food Orders
Order Turkey, Capon, Ham, Stuffing, Gravy and Cranberry Sauce from Herma’s by noon on Wednesday, December 18th and pick up as early as Friday, December 2oth. Call 905-885-9250 or stop by to order.
Cheese Platters

For the ease of entertaining in style, have your cheese and charcuterie platter artfully created at Herma’s Cheese Shop. Call 905-885-9250 or stop by to order. Three days notice is appreciated.
Special Holiday Cheese

No need to travel any farther than Hwy 28 in Port Hope to find special, sophisticated cheeses to fill your cheese platter this holiday season. We have ordered everyone’s favourites, unique this time of year, plus new ones you will want to introduce to friends and guests.
Cheeses like…
Brugge – Torta Paradiso Noci (covered in walnuts) – Taleggio – Tete de Moine – La Sauvagine – Cabra Al Vino – Mimolette – Clawson’s Potted Blue Stilton – Brillat-Savarin Affine – Valencay – & many, many more.
Christmas Blues in the Cheese Shop

Herma has the Christmas blues, but not of the bad sort. We are more than excited about special blue cheeses we are introducing that come from the Italian Moro Fromaggi. These blues are special as they are aged with cocktails. As close to boozing it up as we are going to get in the Cheese Shop.
Now introducing…
The Martini Cocktail
This blue is infused with gin and Vermouth, delivering a creamy sweetness and a hint of olive.
The Cosmopolitan Cocktail
Made with vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and freshly squeezed or sweetened lime juice, this blue has a fruity, sweet taste and a soft, creamy texture.
The Manhattan Cocktail
This blue is made with whisky, sweet Vermouth and bitters. Its initial crunch slides into sweet cherry flavours.
The Negroni Cocktail
This blue is aged in Negroni Cocktail, made with gin, sweet Vermouth and Campari. It pairs well with salty, bacony dishes and other bold cheeses such as aged Parmesan.
We hope you will find these to be as exciting as we do for entertaining guests this holiday season.
Holiday Hours
Open until 4 p.m. Christmas Eve, Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day
Thank you Cathy.

We have been so blessed to have Cathy with us in our Cheese Shop for so many years. She has worked diligently ordering beautiful cheeses she knows you will love and has been generous as she has shared her wealth of knowledge concerning cheese and how they may be served and enjoyed. And lets not forget the great admiration we have for her artful ability to create beautiful cheese trays.
It is now, during her last month with us, that we invite you to wish Cathy a fond adieu. We are sad to see her go, but are grateful for the time she has shared with us. It is because of this that we say not goodbye, but thank you for working with us all these years.
All the best to you and yours as you prepare for the holidays! We look forward to being of assistance to you during this festive time.
Meredith Ender
Communication Coordinator
Herma’s Fine Foods & Gifts