Herma’s News – NEW 3 Angry Cats, The Correct Cheese Knife, Ice Cubes for Water Bottles and Spring Salad Recipe
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure. – Winston Churchill
Dear Customers,
While we are enduring another round of lockdowns, let’s not forget that there will eventually be a finish line.
That being said, we will CONTINUE TO BE OPEN to customers within the store while still adhering to provincial government guidelines. If you would like to take advantage of our curbside pickup, however, go to the bottom of this newsletter for details concerning this.

Taco Recommends…
KITCHENBASICS Ice Cube Tray with Lid – Great for water bottles!
Stick-shaped cubes may be easily slipped into smaller openings.
This KITCHENBASICS Ice Cube Tray features an easy fill opening and covered snap on lid to help prevent accidental spills. Makes 9 stick-shaped cubes which are designed to have ice cubes fit easily into your water bottle.
Introducing…3 Angry Cats
With a Boozy-Maple Syrup Twist
How could we possibly offer you a food that celebrates spring while also makes a stay-at-home order a little more palatable? With whiskey, brandy, rum and bourbon in these Prince Edward County sauces and condiments you may drown your sorrows and celebrate at the same time.

At Herma’s find…
Black Cherry & Brandy Jam – Strawberry & Amaretto Jam – Blackberry & Rum Jam – Summer Peach & Bourbon Jam – Wild Blueberry & Vodka Jam – Raspberry & Vodka Jam – Spicy Maple Mustard – Red Pepper Jelly – Pickled Beets with Maple – Garlic Chili Pepper Dill Pickles – Spicy BBQ Sauce with Bourbon and Maple – Stray Cat BBQ Sauce with Blueberry and Vodka – Whiskey & Maple BBQ Sauce – Smokey Apple and Stout BBQ Sauce – Alley Cat BBQ Sauce Jerk & Rum – Spicy BBQ Sauce with Bourbon & Maple – Black Cat BBQ Sauce with Black Garlic & Maple Syrup – Solar Flare Hot Sauce (with hot chilis and lime) – Cat Fight Hot Sauce (with Scotch Bonnet Peppers) – Wild Cat Hot Sauce (with Habanero peppers, blueberries, carrot, onion, lime and more) – Tequila Bomb Hot Sauce (Habanero peppers, smoked chipotle peppers, Scotch and more) – Maple Forest Fire Hot Sauce (fermented red jalapeno peppers, maple syrup) – Hell Cat Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce
Herma’s Cheese Shop
Gourmet Village Baked Brie Skillet Kits

Try our Gourmet Village Baked Brie Skillet Kits. So easy to warm on the stove and enjoy as a warm, decadent treat. Each kit includes a small cast iron skillet and special topping.
Add brie and baguette to your shopping basket and you are good to go!
Find at Herma’s…
Cranberry & Almond – Pecan & Brown Sugar – Fig & Pistachio
Charcuterie at Herma’s
Prosciutto – Fennel Salami – Porchetta Ham (all from Italy and may be sliced to your liking)
Spanish Chorizo – Mild/Hot French Pork Dry Sausage – Italian Pressed Salami – Canadian Pepper Salami – Artisan Salami (pre-packaged)
The Correct Cheese Knife – Part 1
We carry an amazing selection of cheese knives. Look no further than SWISSMAR’s collection which is located in Herma’s Cheese Shop.

From left to right…
Knife for Soft Cheese
A soft cheese knife, also known as an open work blade knife, features holes in the blade to keep soft cheeses from sticking. You can also use the holes to push a piece off of the knife. Used for Soft/ Semi-Soft cheese.
Cheese Plane
A cheese plane was made for achieving thinly sliced pieces of cheese. To slice the cheese, pass the plane along the top or side of the cheeses. The slice will then settle on the top of the plane’s spatula-like structure, making it easy to plate or serve. Use for Semi-Soft/Semi-Hard cheese like Gouda.
Cheese Cleaver
A cheddar knife, also known as a mini cleaver, cheddar cleaver, or semi-hard cheese knife, is made to cut hard cheeses. The wide blade and cleaver shape allows the cutter to use force and balance to push downward and cut slices. Use for Semi-Hard/Hard cheese.
Also at Herma’s from SWISSMAR are the Universal Knife, Hard Rind Cheese Knife and Spreader.
Herma’s Signature Products
Made from scratch in Herma’s very own kitchen, her Signature Products are tried and true for 20 years!

Margaret suggests…
Spring Salad using Herma’s Chèvre

Combine one container of Herma’s Chèvre with Orzo and drizzle with lemon olive oil. A diced cucumber is optional but adds a nice freshness to the Spring Salad. Makes an excellent side to our Village Grocer flank steak.
Curbside Pickup
While we are OPEN TO CUSTOMERS, we are also offering curbside pickup. Easy and simple in just two steps. No need to get out of your car.
- Call 905-885-9250 to order with method of payment ready.
- Call when you arrive. Stay in car. We will bring items to you.
We wish you all the best and look forward to your visit.
Stay safe and be well.
Meredith Ender
Communications Coordinator
Herma’s Fine Foods & Gifts