Herma’s Christmas Message

The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than in things. – Thomas S. Monson

Herma’s Christmas Message

Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on what’s important to us and what fills us with gratitude. It is a time to look back on the year that has passed and prepare for what lies ahead.

As I reflect on my past year, I think of an occurrence that took place on a very ordinary day while waiting in the dentist’s office. A stranger came up to me while I was sitting reading a magazine. She looked me in the eyes and told me that she was GLAD I WAS BORN. She essentially said the same to someone else. At first I thought this was so unusual and strange, but later and throughout the week and beyond, I have never forgotten what she said and have thought on it many times since.

This wonderful, strange woman truly had an impact on me. It made me think of the words, I am glad you were born. It made me think with gratitude of certain people that have been in my life and the fact that I am simply glad they exist.

I began thinking of my parents whom I loved so very much, about my children and my grandchildren, my dear husband and partner in life, friends who have supported me and with whom I have shared meaningful conversations. Beyond that I have thought with gratitude on those with whom I have worked, past and present, who have shared my vision for the store and who have inspired me to trudge on when times get tough. And then that gratitude is also extended to my customers who have allowed me to go into each year with love and hope.

We all have such people in our lives, even if it is just a stranger with a much needed smile, and it is now, especially at Christmas, that we should look at the faces of those we care about and those that have made a difference, and just  think, if not say, I AM GLAD YOU WERE BORN.

We all have made a difference in this great universe of ours. We have all touched each other’s lives in one way or another. This Christmas let us forget our troubles and think on what really matters. Let’s celebrate the people who surround us.

Peace to all this Christmas and in the New Year.
Image may contain: flower, table, plant and indoor
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