Herma’s Christmas Letter 2017
Dear Customers,
The holiday season is a time to reflect on those special people that are important in our lives. For me it is my husband, children, grand-children, close-friends, and the talented people that I work with. I hope you know that you as customers are important to me as well, and that it is your smiles, laughter, and kind encouragement that make me want to continue to do what I love to do.
I have always envisioned this store to be an oasis of beauty and elegance. A place that offers a bounty of delicious gourmet foods, artisan cheese, Italian meats, kitchen and dinnerware, home décor and all sorts of lovely items from around the world.
I love the idea that I play some small role in bringing people together as they congregate over lovely foods that are served from elegant dishes. I like to think that perhaps a vase of flowers or a table setting purchased at my store may have added to the ambience and beauty of your table. It is especially during the holidays that I become excited about this prospect and look forward to being of help to you as you make plans.
It is at this time of year, as I reflect on what I am thankful for, that I want to say thank you to you, my wonderful customers for your support and your friendship.
Also special thanks to my wonderful staff with whom I am very proud as they work so hard and offer their expertise in so many ways…Taco, Margaret, Barbara, Gordon, Maureen, Norah, Janet, Linda, Cathy, Jennifer, Pat and Meredith.
Words can not express the gratitude I have for my husband, Harry, without whom, none of this would be possible.
I wish for you a holiday season that wraps you in a warm blanket of love, peace, and beautiful memories to be made.
A very Merry Christmas to you! And best wishes for a very happy New Year!
Herma Ender
Holiday Hours
All hours will remain the same except for on the following days…
Open Christmas Eve until 4 p.m.
Closed Christmas Day
Closed Boxing Day
Open New Year’s Eve until 4 p.m.
Closed New Year’s Day